The name Agapanthus has arrived from Greek. The real Greek meaning of Agapanthus is the Flower of Love. It is such a beautiful flower that everybody attracts to it. This flower is also known as African Lily. The Agapanthus species are native to South Africa. These species are available in both evergreen and deciduous These flowers bloom commonly in blue and purple. However, White, grey and pink flowers also can be seen. These flowers can adapt for climatic changes. Therefore, this is very much popular among growers. Many varieties are available for Agapanthus and it is a must to select the suitable variety that suits one’s climate and land.


These plants should be grown in an area where there is good sunlight. As these were originated in Africa, they are born to tolerate the harsh conditions. So, proper growing conditions such as enough sunlight, enough water and etc.. should be provided for these plants to bloom well. In addition, these plants have flexible stems that can tolerate strong winds


Midnight Star

This variety has a history of more than 40 years. This grows up to 75 cm. This variety is better to grow in the ground than in pots.

Arctic Star

Arctic star is an Agapanthus that contains flower petals with low pigments. So, the petals seem to be in white color and it grows up to 60 cm. These are also more well grown in the ground than pots.

Midnight Dream

This variety grows well in the ground and they produce dark purple color flowers. But blooming is less in this variety than other varieties. This grows about 70 cm.


This is a deciduous plant that grows well in the ground. This variety produces flowers in blue color. This grows up to 90 cm.


This variety produces flowers in two colors as white and blue. These are better grown in the ground than in pots and grow up to 80 cm.

Northern Star

This variety grows well in pots. This grows about 100 cm.

Queen Mum

This variety also produces flowers in two colors as white and blue, this variety grow well in pots rather than ground.

Gold strike

This Variety grows as a dwarf plant about 50 cm in height and produces blue flowers.

How to plant

When planting agapanthus, first a proper land should be identified with required conditions. Therefore, when considering the soil condition, Agapanthus prefer to grow in well drained soil conditions and fertile soils. The prevailing soil texture of one’s garden can be altered by adding compost, other natural manure and make according to the preference. Normally these plants prefer to grow in neutral pH conditions.

When considering the light conditions, they are sun loving plants. They need full sunlight of 10 hours per day. These plants grow well and strong when there is enough water. Therefore, feeding these plants with enough water is a must. Proper caring should be taken in order to have a good output. The plants should be hydrated frequently. Having good soil moisture is a good factor for proper growth of the plant. However, watering should not be done in winter seasons.

Fertilizing should be done according to the required amount. Fertilizers enhance the blooming of flowers. However, natural fertilizers like rotted manure and compost are highly recommended than artificial fertilizers. But slow releasing fertilizer can be added.


Pruning can be done to remove damaged plant parts with clean sharp equipment. However, frequent pruning should not be done and it is not recommended to prune evergreen varieties.

In colder seasons, proper mulch should be applied to protect the plants from the frost. It is necessary to remove the mulches in warm seasons.


Rhizomes and seeds are the methods to propagate Agapanthus.

Pest and Diseases

Pests such as bugs, mites damage the Agapanthus plants. Therefore, application of a proper insecticide to those attacking insects can prevent the damage.

Leaves can be wilted and leaves can be yellow in color due to the lack of fertilizers and lack of water. So, proper feeding and hydrating of plants can avert these issues.

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